
Beauty image of a group of women with different body shape, mixed female fat and thin models in lingerie on a blue background

Mommy Makeover Transformations

خدمة تجميل الأم تجمع بين إجراءات متعددة لمساعدة الأمهات على استعادة أجسامهن كما كانت قبل الحمل. نقدم حلولاً مخصصة تشمل شد البطن، ورفع الثدي، وشفط الدهون لتحقيق تحول شامل.



Laparoscopic Surgery, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, hernia repair, gallbladder removal, sleeve gastrectomy, keyhole surgery, bariatric surgery, obesity surgery

عمليات السمنة

 عمليات السمنة: الحل الجراحي لمكافحة السمنة المفرطة


عمليات السمنة تُعد من الخيارات الفعّالة لعلاج السمنة المفرطة التي تؤثر على صحة الفرد ونوعية حياته. تُجرى هذه العمليات بهدف تقليل الوزن وتحسين الصحة العامة عن طريق تعديل الجهاز الهضمي للحد من تناول الطعام أو امتصاصه. 

man in white medical scrub suit

شفط الدهون ونحت وتنسيق القوام

خدمة شفط الدهون وتنسيق القوام لدينا تساعد في تحسين شكل جسمك. من خلال استهداف مناطق محددة، نسعى إلى خلق مظهر أكثر توازناً وتناسقاً، مع تعزيز جمال قوامك الطبيعي.



close up men boob with belly fat on fat man


نحن نقدم علاجاً متقدماً للتثدي لمساعدة الرجال على استعادة الثقة بالنفس. يضمن جراحونا الخبراء في مصر إجراءات آمنة وفعالة لإزالة الأنسجة الزائدة في الصدر وتحقيق مظهر ذكوري متناسق.



Laparoscopic Surgery, gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, hernia repair, gallbladder removal, sleeve gastrectomy, keyhole surgery, bariatric surgery, obesity surgery

Comprehensive Bariatric Solutions

Offering tailored weight-loss surgeries to help you achieve sustainable health goals.
Abdominoplasty plastic operation to reduce the abdomen and remove cellulite. Correcting body shape. Surgeon does liposuction for patient.

Advanced Liposuction Techniques

Sculpt your body with precision liposuction, resulting in a refined and natural shape.
marking cutting lines for tummy tuck

Safe Breast Augmentation Choices

Explore breast augmentation options tailored to fit your needs. Our experienced surgeons in Egypt ensure a smooth process with a focus on your comfort and safety.
Precision in Practice: A Surgeon's Expertise in Drawing Correction Lines for Abdominoplasty Procedure

Expert Tummy Tuck Procedures

Our skilled surgeons perform tummy tucks to help you achieve a firmer, toned abdomen. We focus on your comfort and results, providing personalized care every step of the way.
The cellulite removal plan. White markings on young woman body

Comprehensive Weight Loss Program

Developed a comprehensive weight loss program tailored specifically for patients seeking bariatric surgery. This program included pre-operative educational workshops, personalized diet plans, and post-operative support to ensure long-term success. The initiative also focused on helping patients understand the surgery process, set realistic goals, and maintain their new lifestyle changes.
Professional surgeons in the operating room. Instrument for laparoscopic surgery. A surgeon performs laparoscopic gastric surgery in the operating room.

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

Introduced a series of advanced cosmetic procedures designed to enhance natural aesthetics and improve patient confidence. These procedures included the latest techniques in facial rejuvenation, body contouring, and non-invasive treatments. By staying at the forefront of medical innovations, the practice was able to offer cutting-edge solutions to patients seeking both subtle enhancements and dramatic transformations.
Doctor drawing preoperative marking on patient abdomen closeup

Patient Care Enhancement Initiative

Implemented a patient care enhancement initiative focusing on improving the overall patient experience from initial consultation through post-operative follow-up. This initiative involved the integration of a new patient management system, staff training in customer relations, and the development of a feedback loop to ensure continuous improvement. The goal was to provide a seamless and supportive journey for each patient, fostering a caring and empathetic environment.

Transform Your Life Today

Unlock a new you with Dr. Mohamed Abdallah Tawfik's expert plastic and bariatric procedures in Egypt. Experience confidence and health like never before.